Tuesday 27 December 2011


This entry would probably be best read in the voice of Frankie Boyle as it's going to be quite angry and probably very sweary.
Poetry is shit. Most of it is pretentious bollocks that doesn't rhyme, with multiple layers of idiotic meaning. Some poetry is bearable: children's poetry and funny poetry that rhymes. But the rest is shite. Poetry is basically the shitty middle ground between songs and stories. I don't really see its purpose in society. You could say that it's a form of self-expression but so is abstract art, and that's fucking shit as well. The reason behind my bitter contempt for poetry (apart from the fact that it's shit) is that I have spent far too long analysing bloody awful poems for my English GCSE. They were all utter bollocks, using similes and imagery and other shit to convey some pretentious poety twat's opinion on war or peace or cheese. The few poems that weren't contrived and multi-layered, were dismissed as bad by my teacher or she proceeded to inject many layers of bollocky meaning into the poem.
Anyway, here is my shitty, hypocritical and hopefully ironic poem:

This is a poem
No it's fucking not
Yes it is, look it has lines and everything
But it doesn't rhyme
It's still a poem
But it's utter shite
No, it's about self-expression
Well you're definitely expressing that you're a prententious twat
I'm not, I have many layers of deep meaning and opinion

Now I've finished assaulting poetry I would like to highlight the delights of English language:

Have a nice day.

Monday 26 December 2011

You probably won't enjoy reading this.

There, I warned you. You probably won't enjoy reading this. This is going to be a blog of my thoughts, with some fanatic praise of things I like thrown in. This blog is probably going to be shit and I doubt anyone will read this but oh well. I'll trudge on anyway.